Ten Tools for your Communication Toolbox
Police officers need to communicate effectively. Interpersonal skills are the most essential thing any law enforcement officer can learn. Here are 10 tools for an officer’s toolbox.
Active listening. Learn how to listen. It is not the same as hearing.
Self-awareness: Learn who you really are and how you come across to others. You are not as amazing as you think you are.
Motives. Learn what drives your behaviour and that of others. It is not as simple as the one word answers you have become accustomed to.
Values influence behaviour. Behaviour is heavily influenced by a person’s value system. It informs their attitudes, emotions and beliefs.
Non-verbal communication. The words we use make up only 10% of our communication. It is not just what we say but the way we say it.
Culture. People are heavily influenced by the culture in which they grew up in and to that which they are affiliated with. Understanding the differences makes the difference.
Context. The context in which an event takes place will heavily influence the participants behaviour. Change the circumstances and you change the behaviour.
Conflict. In any conflict you are at least partly to blame. Fix your part first.
The brain. Unless you understand how the brain works, you are going to struggle. Much of our behaviour is driven by the unconscious part of our brain. We are not always as much in control as we kid ourselves.
Study. Unless we study, we won’t learn. Communicating effectively is not something we can just pick up as we go along. Studying and training are essential.
To help you on your journey have a read of our book:
Interpersonal Skills for Police Officers: A comprehensive guide to communication.
Probably the best book on the topic you can buy.
Police Communication