HSM Training and Consultancy

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Confidential Informant Training - From us, what you need is what you get.

I was asked yesterday has to what makes confidential informant (Human Source) training provided by HSM Training different from other providers. I wasn’t quite sure where to start. Then it dawned on me that it doesn’t actually start with us, it starts with the customer and what they need. And what they need is not always what they want. Our training is bespoke to your needs.

Unfortunately, there are a lot of providers out there who genuinely believe they can teach what an officer needs to know about managing a confidential informant in a couple of days.. This is not the case. There are many different things officers need to know about and it takes weeks of training to have them properly equipped.

For us we begin with a discussion about the level of the officers requiring training and the structures that are in place within the agency to identify possible gaps. We then move on to discuss the objectives for the training. What does the Chief of Police want to achieve? Is it to address risks to officers or the public? is it to address corruption or ethical issues? Is it around interviewing techniques to aid in the gathering and processing of information to intelligence? Is it to junior detectives or senior management? Or is it to equip officers with the skills to proactively recruit and mange high level human sources (confidential informants?

We cover all these topics and more. We also recognize that agencies have limited time and limited resources. Where there is a limited amount to deliver face to face training we enhanced that training with providing each student with a number of our books on the topic that they can read at their leisure. This gives the students more time to interact with the instructor and bring the concepts to life in practical scenarios. All our training is based on 25 years of research into the subject of managing confidential informants safely and effectively.

Our training is highly interactive. it is about engagement with the students. Don’t expect to be sitting sleeping through PowerPoint. We limit the number of students in the class so the needs of each student can be identified and addressed. We are not about filling a room to maximize profit or to allow people to claim they have been “trained”. Officers come they do the training we will stand over what we train.

When it comes to proactive recruitment of high level informants our courses our challenging. We can design them to be fully assessed if that is what the agency requires. The underlying theme of these courses is about long term behavior change. We want your officers to change how they do things over the long term. Some egos may be wounded in the process. Changing how we see things is not always a comfortable journey. This training focuses on the underpinning psychology involved and has been successfully delivered to Federal agencies and local law enforcement.

So what is different about our training - Everything practical, underpinned by years of research, and delivered by experts. If you want to discuss further please either call us on +447739370969 or email info@hsmtraining.com and we can call you back . The cost we quote for your agency will include all travel and accommodation, the training delivery and the supply of books to each of the students. We believe in what we do so we keep our costs low. We know what government budgets are like and we charge you a fair price. Don’t let geography put you off. We deliver training all over the world.

Check out the rest of our courses.