HSM Training and Consultancy

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Confidential Informant Management Inquiry costs 28 Million dollars - so far.

Don’t worry Its only Australian dollars! And you can probably think that something like this could never happen in your agency!


This is a report about the ongoing Royal Commission in Victoria, Australia into the management of informants (human sources; confidential informants; covert human intelligence sources CHIS) The report provides a synopsis of the events so far. The whole plot is worth following at https://www.rcmpi.vic.gov.au/

It makes for interesting reading. I will leave the reader to make their own mind up. But remember it is easy to criticise without knowing all the circumstances.

If your agency is involved in managing informants there are three things you need to take away from this:

  1. The risks with managing informants are predictable if you are trained properly.

  2. Most risks can be avoided if you have a properly constructed informant management system

  3. If you don’t change what you are doing it could end up costing you millions.

Predictable and avoidable… but of course nothing bad will ever happen to your agency!!!

Ask us about a free audit: info@hsmtraining.com